
Thursday, 24 August 2017

Recount Writting - Cross country.

I am learning to use the correct structure and language for Recount Writing.
Cross country.        17/08/17                                    
“Ready set go!” shouted Whaea Rosina.
I took off like a race car. My heart was pumping super fast  like it never pumped before.
It was Wednesday morning. I was running around the Padlie farm with the 7 year old.  
The hardest thing was going up the hill 2 times.
I was so tired when I was running up the hill. It was so hot.
I felt like I was going to explode while I was running.
My side felt like I got stabbed with a knife.
On my second round I said, “I’m so tired. My heart was racing as fast as a race car.
My Aunty was saying, “Come on Aroha.” So I took off and I went past Ani. I was the first girl past the line. I felt very excited and happy.

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